C-Dur, tilia zaubert

All the sorrows of the past
All the pain that does last…

there‘s no comfort

just a chest
wide enough
to take it

take it all

All the sorrows
All the pain

the tears not cried
the joy not lived
the anger not screamed

All the sorrows
All the pain

and just my chest
wide enough to take it all

and Me
human, endlessly small
infinitely strong

willing to give my best

knowing about failure

All the pain
that is about to come

and Me
human, endlessly weak
infinitely striving

to live

to seek the Sun
to follow the Light

to melt in Love

to die for Peace

being of compassion

creator of beauty


Autor*in: Ludo

Leben lieben- Liebe leben & Musik lauschen und inspiriert werden von und mit Tilia

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