The princess saves herself in this one
Not like in all those fairytales
She’s waiting for any prince
Or saviour
To save her
In this modern
fairytale of life
She just turns her head up
Picks her crown
Who has fallen down
On the floor
Faces her trigger
Builds her boundaries
Says NO to the world
To everything tearing her down
Limiting her power
and YES to herself
Fucking YES to that self
She’ll always save
By her own
She learns to speak up
Stand up
For her damn self
Feel her worth
Fight for that worth
And protect her borders queendom
The princess saves herself in this one
She holds herself really proud
Hugged in her arm
That inner child
head held up
After having fallen down
Putting pieces of her shattered self
All together again
Scrambling and rambling
And afterwards..
shining again
#princess #saves #herself
love it, thank you! c:
Gernää <3
hihi <3